Summary of WebUtils.HTMLTag

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class HTMLTagError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, msg, **values)

class HTMLTagAttrLookupError(HTMLTagError, LookupError): pass

class HTMLTag:

    ## Init and reading ##
    def __init__(self, name, lineNumber=None)
    def readAttr(self, name, value)
    def addChild(self, child)

    ## Access ##
    def name(self)
    def attr(self, name, default=NoDefault)
    def hasAttr(self, name)
    def attrs(self)
    def numAttrs(self)
    def childAt(self, index)
    def numChildren(self)
    def children(self)
    def subtagAt(self, index)
    def numSubtags(self)
    def subtags(self)

    ## Printing ##
    def pprint(self, out=None, indent=0)
    def __repr__(self)

    ## Searching ##
    def tagWithMatchingAttr(self, name, value, default=NoDefault)
    def tagWithId(self, id, default=NoDefault)

    ## Parsing (HTMLReader) ##
    def closedBy(self, name, lineNumber)

    ## Self utility ##

class HTMLReader(SGMLParser):

    ## Init ##
    def __init__(self, emptyTags=None, extraEmptyTags=None, fakeRootTagIfNeeded=True)

    ## Reading ##
    def readFileNamed(self, filename, retainRootTag=True)
    def readString(self, string, retainRootTag=True)

    ## Printing ##
    def pprint(self, out=None)

    ## Access ##
    def rootTag(self)
    def filename(self)
    def emptyTags(self)
    def setEmptyTags(self, tagList)
    def extendEmptyTags(self, tagList)

    ## Debugging ##
    def printsStack(self)
    def setPrintsStack(self, flag)

    ## Command line ##
    def main(self, args=None)
    def usage(self)

    ## SGMLParser handlers ##
    def handle_data(self, data)
    def handle_pi(self, data)
    def unknown_starttag(self, name, attrs)
    def unknown_endtag(self, name)
    def close(self)

    ## Self utility ##
    def computeTagContainmentConfig(self)

    ## Optimizations ##

class TagConfig:
    def __init__(self, name, tags)
    def encounteredTag(self, tag, lineNum)

class TagCanOnlyHaveConfig(TagConfig):
    def encounteredTag(self, tag, lineNum)

class TagCannotHaveConfig(TagConfig):
    def encounteredTag(self, tag, lineNum)