
HTMLTag defines a class of the same name that represents HTML content. An
additional HTMLReader class kicks off the process of reading an HTML file into a
set of tags:

    from WebUtils.HTMLTag import HTMLReader
    reader = HTMLReader()
    tag = reader.readFileNamed('foo.html')

Tags have attributes and children, which makes them hierarchical. See HTMLTag
class docs for more info.

Note that you imported HTMLReader instead of HTMLTag. You only need the latter
if you plan on creating tags directly.

You can discard the reader immediately if you like:

    tag = HTMLReader().readFileNamed('foo.html')

The point of reading HTML into tag objects is so that you have a concrete,
Pythonic data structure to work with. The original motiviation for such a beast
was in building automated regression test suites that wanted granular,
structured access to the HTML output by the web application.

See the doc string for HTMLTag for examples of what you can do with tags.


* HTMLReader needs special attention with regards to tags like <p> and <li>
which sometimes are closed (</p> </li>) and sometimes not. See its doc string
for full information.

* HTMLReader is picky about the correctness of the HTML you feed it. Again see
the class docs for full info.


* See the TO DO sections for each class.


* I didn't grok how to write an SGMLParser subclass until I read the very small
example by Sean McGrath at http://www.digitome.com/html2pyx.py (which I believe
is broken for empty tags).

* Determined what HTML tags are empty by scanning O'Reilly's HTML Pocket


# - report line numbers for errors
# - extra checking about what tags are allowed or disallowed inside other tags
# - minor tweaks

# Check for Python 2.0
import sys
pyVer = getattr(sys, 'version_info', None)
if pyVer is None or pyVer[0] < 2:
    raise Exception, 'HTMLTag requires Python 2.0 or greater.'

try: # for Python < 2.3
    True, False
except NameError:
    True, False = 1, 0

runFast = True
    # if enabled, overrides some key SGMLParser methods for more speed.
    # changing this has no effect once the module is imported (unless you reload())

from sgmllib import SGMLParser
from MiscUtils import NoDefault, AbstractError
from types import StringType

class HTMLTagError(Exception):

    def __init__(self, msg, **values):
        Exception.__init__(self, msg)
        self.values = values.copy()

class HTMLTagAttrLookupError(HTMLTagError, LookupError): pass
class HTMLTagUnbalancedError(HTMLTagError): pass
class HTMLNotAllowedError(HTMLTagError): pass
class HTMLTagProcessingInstructionError(HTMLTagError): pass
class HTMLTagIncompleteError(HTMLTagError): pass

DefaultEmptyTags = 'area basefont base bgsound br col colgroup frame hr' \
    ' img input isindex link meta spacer wbr'.split()

class HTMLTag:
    Tags essentially have 4 major attributes:
        * name
        * attributes
        * children
        * subtags

    Name is simple:
        print tag.name()

    Attributes are dictionary-like in nature:
        print tag.attr('color')  # throws an exception if no color
        print tag.attr('bgcolor', None)  # returns none if no bgcolor
        print tag.attrs()

    Children are all the leaf parts of a tag, consisting of other tags and strings
    of character data.
        print tag.numChildren()
        print tag.childAt(0)
        print tag.children()

    Subtags is a convenient list of only the tags in the children:
        print tag.numSubtags()
        print tag.subtagAt(0)
        print tag.subtags()

    You can search a tag and all the tags it contains for a tag with a particular
    attribute matching a particular value:
        print tag.tagWithMatchingAttr('width', '100%')

    An HTMLTagAttrLookupError is raised if no matching tag is found. You can avoid
    this by providing a default value:
        print tag.tagWithMatchingAttr('width', '100%', None)

    Looking for specific 'id' attributes is common in regression testing (it allows
    you to zero in on logical portions of a page), so a convenience method is
        tag = htmlTag.tagWithId('accountTable')

    TO DO

    * A walker() method for traversing the tag tree.
    * Search for a subtag with a given name, recursive or not.
    * Attribute traversal with dotted notation?
    * Do we need to convert tag names and attribute names to lower case, or does
      SGMLParser already do that?
    * Should attribute values be strip()ed?
      Probably not. SGMLParser probably strips them already unless they really do
      have spaces as in "  quoted  ". But that's speculation.

    ## Init and reading ##

    def __init__(self, name, lineNumber=None):
        assert '\n' not in name
        self._name = name
        self._attrs = {}
        self._children = []
        self._subtags = []
        self._lineNumber = lineNumber
        self._isClosed = False  # used by closedBy() and __repr__. helps with HTMLReader error messages

    def readAttr(self, name, value):
        Sets an attribute of the tag with the given name and value. An assertion
        fails if an attribute is set twice.
        assert not self._attrs.has_key(name), 'name = %r, attrs = %r' % (name, attrs)
        self._attrs[name] = value

    def addChild(self, child):
        Adds a child to the receiver. The child will be another tag or a string
        assert isinstance(child, HTMLTag) or type(child) is StringType, \
            'Invalid child: %r' % child
        if isinstance(child, HTMLTag):

    ## Access ##

    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def attr(self, name, default=NoDefault):
        if default is NoDefault:
            return self._attrs[name]
            return self._attrs.get(name, default)

    def hasAttr(self, name):
        return self._attrs.has_key(name)

    def attrs(self):
        return self._attrs

    def numAttrs(self):
        return len(self._attrs)

    def childAt(self, index):
        return self._children[index]

    def numChildren(self):
        return len(self._children)

    def children(self):
        return self._children

    def subtagAt(self, index):
        return self._subtags[index]

    def numSubtags(self):
        return len(self._subtags)

    def subtags(self):
        return self._subtags

    ## Printing ##

    def pprint(self, out=None, indent=0):
        if out is None:
            out = sys.stdout
        wr = out.write
        spacer = ' '*4*indent
        wr('%s<%s>\n' % (spacer, self._name))
        for key, value in self._attrs.items():
            wr('%s  %s = %s\n' % (spacer, key.ljust(12), value))
        indent += 1
        for child in self._children:
            if isinstance(child, HTMLTag):
                child.pprint(out, indent)
                wr('%s    %s\n' % (spacer, child))
        wr('%s</%s>\n' % (spacer, self._name))
        # ^^^
        # Printing a closing tag for an empty tag (such as <br>)
        # doesn't make much sense, but then it's a good reminder that
        # certain tags like <p> are closed immediately.

    def __repr__(self):
        r = ['<', self._name]
        if self._attrs:
            keys = self._attrs.keys()
            for key in keys:
                r.extend([' ', key, '="', self._attrs[key], '"'])
        if self._lineNumber or self._isClosed:
            r.append(' (')
            if self._lineNumber:
                r.append('%s' % self._lineNumber)
            if self._isClosed:
                if self._lineNumber:
                    r.append('; ')
                r.append('closed by %s at %s' % (self._closedBy, self._closedAt))
        r = ''.join(r)
        return r

    ## Searching ##

    def tagWithMatchingAttr(self, name, value, default=NoDefault):
        Performs a depth-first search for a tag with an attribute that matches the
        given value. If the tag cannot be found, a KeyError will be raised *unless* a
        default value was specified, which is then returned.
            tag = tag.tagWithMatchingAttr('bgcolor', '#FFFF', None)
        tag = self._tagWithMatchingAttr(name, value)
        if tag is None:
            if default is NoDefault:
                raise HTMLTagAttrLookupError('name = %r, value = %r' % (name, value), name=name, value=value)
                return default
            return tag

    def tagWithId(self, id, default=NoDefault):
        Finds and returns the tag with the given id. As in:
            <td id=foo> bar </td>
        This is just a cover for:
            tagWithMatchingAttr('id', id, default)
        But searching for id's is so popular (at least in regression testing web
        sites) that this convenience method is provided.
        Why is it so popular? Because by attaching ids to logical portions of your
        HTML, your regression test suite can quickly zero in on them for examination.
        return self.tagWithMatchingAttr('id', id, default)

    ## Parsing (HTMLReader) ##

    def closedBy(self, name, lineNumber):
        self._isClosed = True
        self._closedBy = name
        self._closedAt = lineNumber

    ## Self utility ##

    def _tagWithMatchingAttr(self, name, value):
        Performs a depth-first search for a tag with an attribute that matches the
        given value. Returns None if the tag cannot be found.
        The method tagWithMatchingAttr() (e.g., sans underscore) is more commonly
        if self._attrs.get(name, None) == value:
            return self
        for tag in self._subtags:
            matchingTag = tag._tagWithMatchingAttr(name, value)
            if matchingTag:
                return matchingTag
        return None

class HTMLReader(SGMLParser):

    * Special attention is required regarding tags like <p> and <li> which
      sometimes are closed and sometimes not. HTMLReader can deal with both situations
      (closed and not) provided that:
        * the file doesn't change conventions for a given tag
        * the reader knows ahead of time what to expect

    Be default, HTMLReader assumes that <p> and <li> will be closed with </p> and
    </li> as the official HTML spec, as well as upcomer XHTML, encourage or require,

    But if your files don't close certain tags that are supposed to be required,
    you can do this:
        HTMLReader(extraEmptyTags=['p', 'li'])
        reader.extendEmptyTags(['p', 'li'])

    Or just set them entirely:
        HTMLReader(emptyTags=['br', 'hr', 'p'])
        reader.setEmptyTags(['br', 'hr', 'p'])
    Although there are quite a few. Consider the DefaultEmptyTags global list
    (which is used to initialize the reader's tags) which contains about 16 tag

    If an HTML file doesn't conform to the reader's expectation, you will get an
    exception (see more below for details).

    If your HTML file doesn't contain root <html> ... </html> tags wrapping
    everything, a fake root tag will be constructed for you, unless you pass
    in fakeRootTagIfNeeded=False.

    Besides fixing your reader manually, you could conceivably loop through the
    permutations of the various empty tags to see if one of them resulted in a
    correct read.

    Or you could fix the HTML.

    * The reader ignores extra preceding and trailing whitespace by stripping it
      from strings. I suppose this is a little harsher than reducing spans of
      preceding and trailing whitespace down to one space, which is what really
      happens in an HTML browser.

    * The reader will not read past the closing </html> tag.

    * The reader is picky about the correctness of the HTML you feed it. If tags
      are not closed, overlap (instead of nest) or left unfinished, an exception is
      thrown. These include HTMLTagUnbalancedError, HTMLTagIncompleteError and
      HTMLNotAllowedError which all inherit HTMLTagError.

      This pickiness can be quite useful for the validation of the HTML of your
      own applications.

      I believe it is possible that others kinds of HTML errors could raise
      exceptions from sgmlib.SGMLParser (from which HTMLReader inherits),
      although in practice, I have not seen them.

    TO DO

    * Could the "empty" tag issue be dealt with more sophistication by
      automatically closing <p> and <li> (e.g., popping them off the _tagStack) when
      other major tags were encountered such as <p>, <li>, <table>, <center>, etc.?

    * Readers don't handle processing instructions: <? foobar ?>.

    * The tagContainmentConfig class var can certainly be expanded for even better

    ## Init ##

    def __init__(self, emptyTags=None, extraEmptyTags=None, fakeRootTagIfNeeded=True):
        self._filename  = None
        self._rootTag   = None
        self._fakeRootTagIfNeeded = fakeRootTagIfNeeded
        self._usedFakeRootTag = False
        self._tagStack  = []
        self._finished  = False

        # Options
        self._printsStack = False
        self._ignoreWS   = True
        self._endingTag  = 'html'

        # Handle optional args
        if emptyTags is not None:
        if extraEmptyTags is not None:

    ## Reading ##

    def readFileNamed(self, filename, retainRootTag=True):
        Reads the given file. Relies on readString(). See that method for more
        self._filename = filename
        contents = open(filename).read()
        return self.readString(contents, retainRootTag)

    def readString(self, string, retainRootTag=True):
        Reads the given string, storing the results and returning the root tag. You
        could continue to use HTMLReader object or disregard it and simply use the root
        self._rootTag  = None
        self._tagStack = []
        self._finished = False
        self._lineNumber = 1
            for line in string.split('\n'):
                self.feed(line + '\n')
                self._lineNumber += 1
        if retainRootTag:
            return self._rootTag
            tag = self._rootTag
            self._rootTag = None
            return tag

    ## Printing ##

    def pprint(self, out=None):
        Pretty prints the tag, its attributes and all its children.
        Indentation is used for subtags.
        Print 'Empty.' if there is no root tag.
        if self._rootTag:
            if out is None:
                out = sys.stdout

    ## Access ##

    def rootTag(self):
        Returns the root tag. May return None if no HTML has been read yet, or if the
        last invocation of one of the read methods was passed retainRootTag=False.
        return self._rootTag

    def filename(self):
        Returns the filename that was read, or None if no file was processed.
        return self._filename

    def emptyTags(self):
        Returns a list of empty tags. See also: class docs and setEmptyTags().
        return self._emptyTagList

    def setEmptyTags(self, tagList):
        Sets the HTML tags that are considered empty such as <br> and <hr>.
        The default is found in the global, DefaultEmptyTags, and is fairly thorough,
        but does not include <p>, <li> and some other tags that HTML authors often use
        as empty tags.
        self._emptyTagList = list(tagList)

    def extendEmptyTags(self, tagList):
        Extends the current list of empty tags with the given list.

    ## Debugging ##

    def printsStack(self):
        return self._printsStack

    def setPrintsStack(self, flag):
        Sets the boolean value of the "prints stack" option. This is a debugging
        option which will print the internal tag stack during HTML processing. The
        default value is False.
        self._printsStack = flag

    ## Command line ##

    def main(self, args=None):
        The command line equivalent of readFileNamed().
        Invoked when HTMLTag is run as a program.
        if args is None:
            args = sys.argv
        if len(args) < 2:
        return self.readFileNamed(args[1])

    def usage(self):
        print 'HTMLTag: usage:  HTMLTag <html file>'

    ## SGMLParser handlers ##

    def handle_data(self, data):
        if self._finished:
        assert type(data) is StringType
        if self._ignoreWS:
            data = data.strip()
            if not data:
        if self._tagStack:
            print '<> data=%r' % repr(data)

    def handle_pi(self, data):
        raise HTMLTagProcessingInstructionError, 'Was not expecting a processing instruction: %r' % data

    def unknown_starttag(self, name, attrs):
        if self._finished:
        tag = HTMLTag(name, lineNumber=self._lineNumber)
        for attrName, value in attrs:
            tag.readAttr(attrName, value)
        if self._emptyTagDict.has_key(name):
            # We'll never have any children. Boo hoo.
            assert self._rootTag, 'Cannot start HTML with an empty tag: %r' % tag
            empty = True
            # We could have children, so we go on the stack
            # Also, if this is the first tag, then make it the root.
            # If it's the first tag and it isn't an <html> tag,
            # create a fake "container" html tag.
            if self._tagStack:
                lastTag = self._tagStack[-1]
                # is this legal?
                tagConfig = self._tagContainmentConfig.get(lastTag.name())
                if tagConfig:
                    tagConfig.encounteredTag(name, self._lineNumber)
                # tell last tag about his new child
            elif name != 'html' and self._fakeRootTagIfNeeded:
                self._rootTag = HTMLTag('html')
                self._usedFakeRootTag = True
                self._rootTag = tag
            empty = False
        if self._printsStack:
            prefix = ('START', '-----')[empty]
            print '%s %s: %r' % (prefix, name.ljust(6), self._tagStack)

    def unknown_endtag(self, name):
        if self._finished:
        if name == self._endingTag:
            self._finished = True
        openingTag = self._tagStack.pop()
        if self._printsStack:
            print 'END   %s: %r' % (name.ljust(6), self._tagStack)
        if openingTag.name() != name:
            raise HTMLTagUnbalancedError('line %i: opening is %r, but closing is <%s>.' % \
                (self._lineNumber, openingTag, name), line=self._lineNumber, opening=openingTag.name(), closing=name, tagStack=self._tagStack)
            openingTag.closedBy(name, self._lineNumber)

    def close(self):
        if len(self._tagStack) > 0 and not (len(self._tagStack) == 1 and self._usedFakeRootTag):
            raise HTMLTagIncompleteError('line %i: tagStack = %r' % (self._lineNumber, self._tagStack), line=self._lineNumber, tagStack=repr(self._tagStack))

    ## Self utility ##

    def _updateEmptyTagDict(self):
        """Create a dictionary out of the empty tag list for quick look up."""
        dict = {}
        for tag in self._emptyTagList:
            dict[tag] = None
        self._emptyTagDict = dict

    # The following dict defines for various tags either:
    #    + the complete set of tags that can be contained within
    #    - a set of tags that cannot be contained within
    # This information helps HTMLReader detect some types of errors
    # earlier and other types of errors, it would never detect.
    tagContainmentConfig = {
        'html':   'canOnlyHave head body',
        'head':   'cannotHave  html head body',
        'body':   'cannotHave  html head body',
        'table':  'canOnlyHave tr thead tbody tfoot a',
        # a because in IE you can wrap a row in <a> to make the entire row clickable
        'tr':     'canOnlyHave th td',
        'td':     'cannotHave  td tr',
        'select': 'canOnlyHave option',

    def computeTagContainmentConfig(self):
        config = {}
        for key, value in self.tagContainmentConfig.items():
            if isinstance(value, StringType):
                value = value.split()
                configClass = configClassForName.get(value[0])
                if configClass is None:
                    raise KeyError, 'Unknown config name %r for value %r in %s.tagContainmentConfig' % (key, value, self.__class__.__name__)
                config[key] = configClass(key, value[1:])
                assert isinstance(value, TagConfig), 'key=%r, value=%r' % (key, value)
                config[key] = value
        self._tagContainmentConfig = config

    ## Optimizations ##

    if runFast:
        finish_starttag = unknown_starttag
        finish_endtag = unknown_endtag

class TagConfig:

    def __init__(self, name, tags):
        self.name = name
        # turn list of tags into a dict/set for fast lookup (avoid linear searches)
        dict = {}
        for tag in tags:
            dict[tag] = None
        self.tags = dict

    def encounteredTag(self, tag, lineNum):
        raise AbstractError, self.__class__

class TagCanOnlyHaveConfig(TagConfig):

    def encounteredTag(self, tag, lineNum):
        if not self.tags.has_key(tag.lower()):
            raise HTMLNotAllowedError('line %i: the tag %r is not allowed in %r which can only have %r.' % (
                lineNum, tag, self.name, self.tags.keys()), line=lineNum, encounteredTag=tag, containingTag=self.name, canOnlyHave=self.tags.keys())

class TagCannotHaveConfig(TagConfig):

    def encounteredTag(self, tag, lineNum):
        if self.tags.has_key(tag.lower()):
            raise HTMLNotAllowedError('line %i: The tag %r is not allowed in %r which cannot have %r.' % (
                lineNum, tag, self.name, self.tags.keys()), line=lineNum, enounteredTag=tag, containingTag=self.name, cannotHave=self.tags.keys())

configClassForName = {
    'canOnlyHave':   TagCanOnlyHaveConfig,
    'cannotHave': TagCannotHaveConfig,

if __name__ == '__main__':
    html = HTMLReader().main()