Here's a sample session to show how to use this module.
At the moment, this is the only documentation.
The Basics
Importing is easy..
>>> import Cookie
Most of the time you start by creating a cookie. Cookies come in
three flavors, each with slighly different encoding semanitcs, but
more on that later.
>>> C = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
>>> C = Cookie.SerialCookie()
>>> C = Cookie.SmartCookie()
[Note: Long-time users of Cookie.py will remember using
Cookie.Cookie() to create an Cookie object. Although deprecated, it
is still supported by the code. See the Backward Compatibility notes
for more information.]
Once you've created your Cookie, you can add values just as if it were
a dictionary.
>>> C = Cookie.SmartCookie()
>>> C["fig"] = "newton"
>>> C["sugar"] = "wafer"
>>> print C
Set-Cookie: fig=newton;
Set-Cookie: sugar=wafer;
Notice that the printable representation of a Cookie is the
appropriate format for a Set-Cookie: header. This is the
default behavior. You can change the header and printed
attributes by using the the .output() function
>>> C = Cookie.SmartCookie()
>>> C["rocky"] = "road"
>>> C["rocky"]["path"] = "/cookie"
>>> print C.output(header="Cookie:")
Cookie: rocky=road; Path=/cookie;
>>> print C.output(attrs=[], header="Cookie:")
Cookie: rocky=road;
The load() method of a Cookie extracts cookies from a string. In a
CGI script, you would use this method to extract the cookies from the
HTTP_COOKIE environment variable.
>>> C = Cookie.SmartCookie()
>>> C.load("chips=ahoy; vienna=finger")
>>> print C
Set-Cookie: chips=ahoy;
Set-Cookie: vienna=finger;
The load() method is darn-tootin smart about identifying cookies
within a string. Escaped quotation marks, nested semicolons, and other
such trickeries do not confuse it.
>>> C = Cookie.SmartCookie()
>>> C.load('keebler="E=everybody; L=\\"Loves\\"; fudge=\\012;";')
>>> print C
Set-Cookie: keebler="E=everybody; L=\"Loves\"; fudge=\012;";
Each element of the Cookie also supports all of the RFC 2109
Cookie attributes. Here's an example which sets the Path
>>> C = Cookie.SmartCookie()
>>> C["oreo"] = "doublestuff"
>>> C["oreo"]["path"] = "/"
>>> print C
Set-Cookie: oreo=doublestuff; Path=/;
Each dictionary element has a 'value' attribute, which gives you
back the value associated with the key.
>>> C = Cookie.SmartCookie()
>>> C["twix"] = "none for you"
>>> C["twix"].value
'none for you'
A Bit More Advanced
As mentioned before, there are three different flavors of Cookie
objects, each with different encoding/decoding semantics. This
section briefly discusses the differences.
The SimpleCookie expects that all values should be standard strings.
Just to be sure, SimpleCookie invokes the str() builtin to convert
the value to a string, when the values are set dictionary-style.
>>> C = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
>>> C["number"] = 7
>>> C["string"] = "seven"
>>> C["number"].value
>>> C["string"].value
>>> print C
Set-Cookie: number=7;
Set-Cookie: string=seven;
The SerialCookie expects that all values should be serialized using
cPickle (or pickle, if cPickle isn't available). As a result of
serializing, SerialCookie can save almost any Python object to a
value, and recover the exact same object when the cookie has been
returned. (SerialCookie can yield some strange-looking cookie
values, however.)
>>> C = Cookie.SerialCookie()
>>> C["number"] = 7
>>> C["string"] = "seven"
>>> C["number"].value
>>> C["string"].value
>>> print C
Set-Cookie: number="I7\012.";
Set-Cookie: string="S'seven'\012p1\012.";
Be warned, however, if SerialCookie cannot de-serialize a value (because
it isn't a valid pickle'd object), IT WILL RAISE AN EXCEPTION.
The SmartCookie combines aspects of each of the other two flavors.
When setting a value in a dictionary-fashion, the SmartCookie will
serialize (ala cPickle) the value *if and only if* it isn't a
Python string. String objects are *not* serialized. Similarly,
when the load() method parses out values, it attempts to de-serialize
the value. If it fails, then it fallsback to treating the value
as a string.
>>> C = Cookie.SmartCookie()
>>> C["number"] = 7
>>> C["string"] = "seven"
>>> C["number"].value
>>> C["string"].value
>>> print C
Set-Cookie: number="I7\012.";
Set-Cookie: string=seven;
Backwards Compatibility
In order to keep compatibilty with earlier versions of Cookie.py,
it is still possible to use Cookie.Cookie() to create a Cookie. In
fact, this simply returns a SmartCookie.
>>> C = Cookie.Cookie()
>>> print C.__class__.__name__
import string
from UserDict import UserDict
from cPickle import dumps, loads
except ImportError:
from pickle import dumps, loads
import re
except ImportError:
raise ImportError, "Cookie.py requires 're' from Python 1.5 or later"
__all__ = ["CookieError","BaseCookie","SimpleCookie","SerialCookie",
class CookieError(Exception):
_LegalChars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "!#$%&'*+-.^_`|~"
except AttributeError:
_LegalChars = string.letters + string.digits + "!#$%&'*+-.^_`|~"
_Translator = {
'\000' : '\\000', '\001' : '\\001', '\002' : '\\002',
'\003' : '\\003', '\004' : '\\004', '\005' : '\\005',
'\006' : '\\006', '\007' : '\\007', '\010' : '\\010',
'\011' : '\\011', '\012' : '\\012', '\013' : '\\013',
'\014' : '\\014', '\015' : '\\015', '\016' : '\\016',
'\017' : '\\017', '\020' : '\\020', '\021' : '\\021',
'\022' : '\\022', '\023' : '\\023', '\024' : '\\024',
'\025' : '\\025', '\026' : '\\026', '\027' : '\\027',
'\030' : '\\030', '\031' : '\\031', '\032' : '\\032',
'\033' : '\\033', '\034' : '\\034', '\035' : '\\035',
'\036' : '\\036', '\037' : '\\037',
'"' : '\\"', '\\' : '\\\\',
'\177' : '\\177', '\200' : '\\200', '\201' : '\\201',
'\202' : '\\202', '\203' : '\\203', '\204' : '\\204',
'\205' : '\\205', '\206' : '\\206', '\207' : '\\207',
'\210' : '\\210', '\211' : '\\211', '\212' : '\\212',
'\213' : '\\213', '\214' : '\\214', '\215' : '\\215',
'\216' : '\\216', '\217' : '\\217', '\220' : '\\220',
'\221' : '\\221', '\222' : '\\222', '\223' : '\\223',
'\224' : '\\224', '\225' : '\\225', '\226' : '\\226',
'\227' : '\\227', '\230' : '\\230', '\231' : '\\231',
'\232' : '\\232', '\233' : '\\233', '\234' : '\\234',
'\235' : '\\235', '\236' : '\\236', '\237' : '\\237',
'\240' : '\\240', '\241' : '\\241', '\242' : '\\242',
'\243' : '\\243', '\244' : '\\244', '\245' : '\\245',
'\246' : '\\246', '\247' : '\\247', '\250' : '\\250',
'\251' : '\\251', '\252' : '\\252', '\253' : '\\253',
'\254' : '\\254', '\255' : '\\255', '\256' : '\\256',
'\257' : '\\257', '\260' : '\\260', '\261' : '\\261',
'\262' : '\\262', '\263' : '\\263', '\264' : '\\264',
'\265' : '\\265', '\266' : '\\266', '\267' : '\\267',
'\270' : '\\270', '\271' : '\\271', '\272' : '\\272',
'\273' : '\\273', '\274' : '\\274', '\275' : '\\275',
'\276' : '\\276', '\277' : '\\277', '\300' : '\\300',
'\301' : '\\301', '\302' : '\\302', '\303' : '\\303',
'\304' : '\\304', '\305' : '\\305', '\306' : '\\306',
'\307' : '\\307', '\310' : '\\310', '\311' : '\\311',
'\312' : '\\312', '\313' : '\\313', '\314' : '\\314',
'\315' : '\\315', '\316' : '\\316', '\317' : '\\317',
'\320' : '\\320', '\321' : '\\321', '\322' : '\\322',
'\323' : '\\323', '\324' : '\\324', '\325' : '\\325',
'\326' : '\\326', '\327' : '\\327', '\330' : '\\330',
'\331' : '\\331', '\332' : '\\332', '\333' : '\\333',
'\334' : '\\334', '\335' : '\\335', '\336' : '\\336',
'\337' : '\\337', '\340' : '\\340', '\341' : '\\341',
'\342' : '\\342', '\343' : '\\343', '\344' : '\\344',
'\345' : '\\345', '\346' : '\\346', '\347' : '\\347',
'\350' : '\\350', '\351' : '\\351', '\352' : '\\352',
'\353' : '\\353', '\354' : '\\354', '\355' : '\\355',
'\356' : '\\356', '\357' : '\\357', '\360' : '\\360',
'\361' : '\\361', '\362' : '\\362', '\363' : '\\363',
'\364' : '\\364', '\365' : '\\365', '\366' : '\\366',
'\367' : '\\367', '\370' : '\\370', '\371' : '\\371',
'\372' : '\\372', '\373' : '\\373', '\374' : '\\374',
'\375' : '\\375', '\376' : '\\376', '\377' : '\\377'
def _quote(str, LegalChars=_LegalChars,
join=string.join, idmap=string._idmap, translate=string.translate):
if "" == translate(str, idmap, LegalChars):
return str
return '"' + join( map(_Translator.get, str, str), "" ) + '"'
_OctalPatt = re.compile(r"\\[0-3][0-7][0-7]")
_QuotePatt = re.compile(r"[\\].")
def _unquote(str, join=string.join, atoi=string.atoi):
if len(str) < 2:
return str
if str[0] != '"' or str[-1] != '"':
return str
str = str[1:-1]
i = 0
n = len(str)
res = []
while 0 <= i < n:
Omatch = _OctalPatt.search(str, i)
Qmatch = _QuotePatt.search(str, i)
if not Omatch and not Qmatch:
j = k = -1
if Omatch: j = Omatch.start(0)
if Qmatch: k = Qmatch.start(0)
if Qmatch and ( not Omatch or k < j ):
i = k+2
res.append( chr( atoi(str[j+1:j+4], 8) ) )
i = j+4
return join(res, "")
_weekdayname = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
_monthname = [None,
'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
def _getdate(future=0, weekdayname=_weekdayname, monthname=_monthname):
from time import gmtime, time
now = time()
year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, wd, y, z = gmtime(now + future)
return "%s, %02d-%3s-%4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT" % \
(weekdayname[wd], day, monthname[month], year, hh, mm, ss)
class Morsel(UserDict):
_reserved = { "expires" : "expires",
"path" : "Path",
"comment" : "Comment",
"domain" : "Domain",
"max-age" : "Max-Age",
"secure" : "secure",
"version" : "Version",
_reserved_keys = _reserved.keys()
def __init__(self):
self.key = self.value = self.coded_value = None
for K in self._reserved_keys:
UserDict.__setitem__(self, K, "")
def __setitem__(self, K, V):
K = string.lower(K)
if not K in self._reserved_keys:
raise CookieError("Invalid Attribute %s" % K)
UserDict.__setitem__(self, K, V)
def isReservedKey(self, K):
return string.lower(K) in self._reserved_keys
def set(self, key, val, coded_val,
idmap=string._idmap, translate=string.translate ):
if string.lower(key) in self._reserved_keys:
raise CookieError("Attempt to set a reserved key: %s" % key)
if "" != translate(key, idmap, LegalChars):
raise CookieError("Illegal key value: %s" % key)
self.key = key
self.value = val
self.coded_value = coded_val
def output(self, attrs=None, header = "Set-Cookie:"):
return "%s %s" % ( header, self.OutputString(attrs) )
__str__ = output
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s: %s=%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
self.key, repr(self.value) )
def js_output(self, attrs=None):
return """
<!-- begin hiding
document.cookie = \"%s\"
// end hiding -->
""" % ( self.OutputString(attrs), )
def OutputString(self, attrs=None):
result = []
RA = result.append
RA("%s=%s;" % (self.key, self.coded_value))
if attrs is None:
attrs = self._reserved_keys
items = self.items()
for K,V in items:
if V == "": continue
if K not in attrs: continue
if K == "expires" and type(V) == type(1):
RA("%s=%s;" % (self._reserved[K], _getdate(V)))
elif K == "max-age" and type(V) == type(1):
RA("%s=%d;" % (self._reserved[K], V))
elif K == "secure":
RA("%s;" % self._reserved[K])
RA("%s=%s;" % (self._reserved[K], V))
return string.join(result, " ")
_LegalCharsPatt = r"[\w\d!#%&'~_`><@,:/\$\*\+\-\.\^\|\)\(\?\}\{\=]"
_CookiePattern = re.compile(
""+ _LegalCharsPatt +"+?"
""+ _LegalCharsPatt +"*"
class BaseCookie(UserDict):
def value_decode(self, val):
"""real_value, coded_value = value_decode(STRING)
Called prior to setting a cookie's value from the network
representation. The VALUE is the value read from HTTP
Override this function to modify the behavior of cookies.
return val, val
def value_encode(self, val):
"""real_value, coded_value = value_encode(VALUE)
Called prior to setting a cookie's value from the dictionary
representation. The VALUE is the value being assigned.
Override this function to modify the behavior of cookies.
strval = str(val)
return strval, strval
def __init__(self, input=None):
if input: self.load(input)
def __set(self, key, real_value, coded_value):
"""Private method for setting a cookie's value"""
M = self.get(key, Morsel())
M.set(key, real_value, coded_value)
UserDict.__setitem__(self, key, M)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
"""Dictionary style assignment."""
rval, cval = self.value_encode(value)
self.__set(key, rval, cval)
def output(self, attrs=None, header="Set-Cookie:", sep="\n"):
"""Return a string suitable for HTTP."""
result = []
items = self.items()
for K,V in items:
result.append( V.output(attrs, header) )
return string.join(result, sep)
__str__ = output
def __repr__(self):
L = []
items = self.items()
for K,V in items:
L.append( '%s=%s' % (K,repr(V.value) ) )
return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, string.join(L))
def js_output(self, attrs=None):
"""Return a string suitable for JavaScript."""
result = []
items = self.items()
for K,V in items:
result.append( V.js_output(attrs) )
return string.join(result, "")
def load(self, rawdata):
"""Load cookies frmo raw data.
Load cookies from a string (presumably HTTP_COOKIE) or
from a dictionary. Loading cookies from a dictionary 'd'
is equivalent to calling:
map(Cookie.__setitem__, d.keys(), d.values())
if type(rawdata) == type(""):
def __ParseString(self, str, patt=_CookiePattern):
i = 0
n = len(str)
M = None
while 0 <= i < n:
match = patt.search(str, i)
if not match: break
K,V = match.group("key"), match.group("val")
i = match.end(0)
if K[0] == "$":
if M:
M[ K[1:] ] = V
elif string.lower(K) in Morsel._reserved_keys:
if M:
M[ K ] = _unquote(V)
rval, cval = self.value_decode(V)
self.__set(K, rval, cval)
M = self[K]
class SimpleCookie(BaseCookie):
SimpleCookie supports strings as cookie values. When setting
the value using the dictionary assignment notation, SimpleCookie
calls the builtin str() to convert the value to a string. Values
received from HTTP are kept as strings.
def value_decode(self, val):
return _unquote( val ), val
def value_encode(self, val):
strval = str(val)
return strval, _quote( strval )
class SerialCookie(BaseCookie):
SerialCookie supports arbitrary objects as cookie values. All
values are serialized (using cPickle) before being sent to the
client. All incoming values are assumed to be valid Pickle
Note: Large cookie values add overhead because they must be
retransmitted on every HTTP transaction.
Note: HTTP has a 2k limit on the size of a cookie. This class
does not check for this limit, so be careful!!!
def value_decode(self, val):
return loads( _unquote(val) ), val
def value_encode(self, val):
return val, _quote( dumps(val) )
class SmartCookie(BaseCookie):
SmartCookie supports arbitrary objects as cookie values. If the
object is a string, then it is quoted. If the object is not a
string, however, then SmartCookie will use cPickle to serialize
the object into a string representation.
Note: Large cookie values add overhead because they must be
retransmitted on every HTTP transaction.
Note: HTTP has a 2k limit on the size of a cookie. This class
does not check for this limit, so be careful!!!
def value_decode(self, val):
strval = _unquote(val)
return loads(strval), val
except Exception:
return strval, val
def value_encode(self, val):
if type(val) == type(""):
return val, _quote(val)
return val, _quote( dumps(val) )
Cookie = SmartCookie
def _test():
import doctest, Cookie
return doctest.testmod(Cookie)
if __name__ == "__main__":