import os, mimetypes

from ServletFactory import ServletFactory
import HTTPExceptions
from HTTPServlet import HTTPServlet
from MiscUtils.Configurable import Configurable

debug = 0

except AttributeError: # fallback for Python < 2.2
    if not mimetypes.types_map.has_key('.css'):
        mimetypes.types_map['.css'] = 'text/css'
    def guess_type(url, strict=1):
        return mimetypes.guess_type(url)
    guess_type = mimetypes.guess_type

class UnknownFileTypeServletFactory(ServletFactory):
    """The servlet factory for unknown file types.

    I.e. all files other than .py, .psp, .kid and the other types we support.


    def uniqueness(self):
        return 'file'

    def extensions(self):
        return ['.*']

    def servletForTransaction(self, transaction):
        return UnknownFileTypeServlet(transaction.application())

    def flushCache(self):

fileCache = {}
    # A cache of the files served up by UnknownFileTypeServlet cached by
    # absolute, server side path. Each content is another dictionary with keys:
    # content, mimeType, mimeEncoding.
    # Previously, this content was stored directly in the attributes of the
    # UnknownFileTypeServlets, but with that approach subclasses cannot
    # dynamically serve content from different locations.

class UnknownFileTypeServlet(HTTPServlet, Configurable):
    """Servlet for unknown file types.

    Normally this class is just a "private" utility class for WebKit's
    purposes. However, you may find it useful to subclass on occasion,
    such as when the server side file path is determined by something
    other than a direct correlation to the URL. Here is such an example:

    from WebKit.AppServer import globalAppServer
    from WebKit.UnknownFileTypeServlet import UnknownFileTypeServlet
    import os

    class Image(UnknownFileTypeServlet):

        imageDir = '/var/images'

        def filename(self, trans):
            filename = trans.request().field('i')
            filename = os.path.join(self.imageDir, filename)
            return filename


    ## Candidates for subclass overrides ##

    def filename(self, trans):
        """Return the filename to be served.

        A subclass could override this in order to serve files from other
        disk locations based on some logic.

        filename = getattr(self, '_serverSideFilename', None)
        if filename is None:
            filename = trans.request().serverSidePath()
            self._serverSideFilename = filename # cache it
        return filename

    def shouldCacheContent(self):
        """Return whether the content should be cached or not.

        Returns a boolean that controls whether or not the content served
        through this servlet is cached. The default behavior is to return
        the CacheContent setting. Subclasses may override to always True
        or False, or incorporate some other logic.

        return self.setting('CacheContent')

    ## Init et al ##

    def __init__(self, application=None):
        if application is None:
            from AppServer import globalAppServer
            application = globalAppServer.application()
            assert application is not None
        self._application = application

    def defaultConfig(self):
        """Get the default config.

        Taken from Application's 'UnknownFileTypes' default setting.

        return self._application.defaultConfig()['UnknownFileTypes']

    def userConfig(self):
        """Get the user config.

        Taken from Application's 'UnknownFileTypes' user setting.

        return self._application.userConfig().get('UnknownFileTypes', {})

    def configFilename(self):
        return self._application.configFilename()

    def canBeReused(self):
        return self.setting('ReuseServlets')

    def validTechniques(self):
        return ['serveContent', 'redirectSansAdapter']

    def respondToGet(self, trans):
        """Respond to GET request.

        Responds to the transaction by invoking for foo is
        specified by the 'Technique' setting.

        technique = self.setting('Technique')
        assert technique in self.validTechniques(), 'technique = %s' % technique
        method = getattr(self, technique)

    respondToHead = respondToGet

    def respondToPost(self, trans):
        """Respond to POST request.

        Invoke self.respondToGet().

        Since posts are usually accompanied by data, this might not be
        the best policy. However, a POST would most likely be for a CGI,
        which currently no one is mixing in with their WebKit-based web sites.

        # @@ 2001-01-25 ce: See doc string for why this might be a bad idea.

    def redirectSansAdapter(self, trans):
        """Redirect to web server.

        Sends a redirect to a URL that doesn't contain the adapter name.
        Under the right configuration, this will cause the web server to
        then be responsible for the URL rather than the app server.
        This has only been test with "*.[f]cgi" adapters.
        Keep in mind that links off the target page will *not* include
        the adapter in the URL.

        # @@ 2000-05-08 ce: the following is horribly CGI specific and hacky
        env = trans.request()._environ
        # @@ 2001-01-25 ce: isn't there a func in WebUtils to get script name?
        # because some servers are different?
        newURL = os.path.split(env['SCRIPT_NAME'])[0] + env['PATH_INFO']
        newURL = newURL.replace('//', '/') # hacky

    def lastModified(self, trans):
            return os.path.getmtime(self.filename(trans))
        except OSError:
            return None

    def serveContent(self, trans):
        response = trans.response()

        maxCacheContentSize = self.setting('MaxCacheContentSize')
        readBufferSize = self.setting('ReadBufferSize')

        # start sending automatically

        filename = self.filename(trans)
            f = open(filename, 'rb')
        except IOError:
            raise HTTPExceptions.HTTPNotFound

        stat = os.fstat(f.fileno())
        fileSize, mtime = stat[6], stat[8]

        if debug:
            print '>> UnknownFileType.serveContent()'
            print '>> filename =', filename
            print '>> size=', fileSize
        file = fileCache.get(filename, None)
        if file is not None and mtime != file['mtime']:
            # Cache is out of date; clear it.
            if debug:
                print '>> changed, clearing cache'
            del fileCache[filename]
            file = None
        if file is None:
            if debug:
                print '>> not found in cache'
            fileType = guess_type(filename, 0)
            mimeType = fileType[0]
            mimeEncoding = fileType[1]
            if mimeType is None:
                mimeType = 'application/octet-stream'
            mimeType, mimeEncoding = file['mimeType'], file['mimeEncoding']
        response.setHeader('Content-type', mimeType)
        response.setHeader('Content-Length', str(fileSize))
        if mimeEncoding:
            response.setHeader('Content-encoding', mimeEncoding)
        if trans.request().method() == 'HEAD':
        if file is None and self.setting('ReuseServlets') \
                and self.shouldCacheContent() \
                and fileSize < maxCacheContentSize:
            if debug:
                print '>> caching'
            file = {
                'mimeType':     mimeType,
                'mimeEncoding': mimeEncoding,
                'mtime':        mtime,
                'size':         fileSize,
                'filename':     filename,
            fileCache[filename] = file
        if file is not None:
            if debug:
                print '>> sending content from cache'
        else: # too big or not supposed to cache
            if debug:
                print '>> sending directly'
            numBytesSent = 0
            while numBytesSent < fileSize:
                data =, readBufferSize))
                if data == '':
                    break # unlikely, but safety first
                numBytesSent += len(data)