import sys, traceback, types
from time import time

    from cPickle import dumps, PickleError
except ImportError:
    from pickle import dumps, PickleError

    import zlib
except ImportError:
    zlib = None

from RPCServlet import RPCServlet
from MiscUtils.PickleRPC import RequestError, SafeUnpickler

class PickleRPCServlet(RPCServlet, SafeUnpickler):
    """PickleRPCServlet is a base class for Dict-RPC servlets.

    The "Pickle" refers to Python's pickle module. This class is
    similar to XMLRPCServlet. By using Python pickles you get their
    convenience (assuming the client is Pythonic), but lose
    language independence. Some of us don't mind that last one.  ;-)

    Conveniences over XML-RPC include the use of all of the following:
      * Any pickle-able Python type (mx.DateTime for example)
      * Python instances (aka objects)
      * None
      * Longs that are outside the 32-bit int boundaries
      * Keyword arguments

    Pickles should also be faster than XML, especially now that
    we support binary pickling and compression.

    To make your own PickleRPCServlet, create a subclass and implement a
    method which is then named in exposedMethods():

        from WebKit.PickleRPCServlet import PickleRPCServlet
        class Math(PickleRPCServlet):
            def multiply(self, x, y):
                return x * y
            def exposedMethods(self):
                return ['multiply']

    To make a PickleRPC call from another Python program, do this:
        from MiscUtils.PickleRPC import Server
        server = Server('http://localhost/WebKit.cgi/Context/Math')
        print server.multiply(3, 4)    # 12
        print server.multiply('-', 10) # ----------

    If a request error is raised by the server, then
    MiscUtils.PickleRPC.RequestError is raised. If an unhandled
    exception is raised by the server, or the server response is
    malformed, then MiscUtils.PickleRPC.ResponseError (or one of
    its subclasses) is raised.

    Tip: If you want callers of the RPC servlets to be able to
    introspect what methods are available, then include
    'exposedMethods' in exposedMethods().

    If you wanted the actual response dictionary for some reason:
        print server._request('multiply', 3, 4)
            # { 'value': 12, 'timeReceived': ... }

    In which case, an exception is not purposefully raised if the
    dictionary contains one. Instead, examine the dictionary.

    For the dictionary formats and more information see the docs
    for MiscUtils.PickleRPC.


    def respondToPost(self, trans):
            request = trans.request()
            data = request.rawInput(rewind=1)
            response = {
                'timeReceived': trans.request().time(),
                    encoding = request.environ().get('HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING', None)
                    if encoding == 'x-gzip':
                        if zlib is not None:
                                rawstring =
                                req = self.loads(zlib.decompress(rawstring))
                            except zlib.error:
                                raise RequestError, \
                                    'Cannot uncompress compressed dict-rpc request'
                            raise RequestError, \
                                'Cannot handle compressed dict-rpc request'
                    elif encoding:
                        raise RequestError, \
                            'Cannot handle Content-Encoding of %s' % encoding
                        req = self.load(data)
                except PickleError:
                    raise RequestError, 'Cannot unpickle dict-rpc request.'
                if not isinstance(req, types.DictType):
                    raise RequestError, \
                        'Expecting a dictionary for dict-rpc requests, ' \
                        'but got %s instead.' % type(dict)
                if req.get('version', 1) != 1:
                    raise RequestError, 'Cannot handle version %s requests.' \
                        % req['version']
                if req.get('action', 'call') != 'call':
                    raise RequestError, \
                        'Cannot handle the request action, %r.' % req['action']
                    methodName = req['methodName']
                except KeyError:
                    raise RequestError, 'Missing method in request'
                args = req.get('args', ())
                if methodName == '__methods__.__getitem__':
                    # support PythonWin autoname completion
                    response['value'] = self.exposedMethods()[args[0]]
                    response['value'] =, *args,
                        **req.get('keywords', {}))
            except RequestError, e:
                response['requestError'] = str(e)
                self.sendResponse(trans, response)
            except Exception, e:
                response['exception'] = self.resultForException(e, trans)
                self.sendResponse(trans, response)
            except:  # if it's a string exception, this gets triggered
                response['exception'] = self.resultForException(
                    sys.exc_info()[0], trans)
                self.sendResponse(trans, response)
                self.sendResponse(trans, response)
        except Exception:
            # internal error, report as HTTP server error
            print 'PickleRPCServlet internal error'
            print ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))
            trans.response().setStatus(500, 'Server Error')

    def sendResponse(self, trans, response):
        """Timestamp the response dict and send it."""
        # Generated a pickle string
        response['timeResponded'] = time()
        if self.useBinaryPickle():
            contentType = 'application/x-python-binary-pickled-dict'
            response = dumps(response, 1)
            contentType = 'text/x-python-pickled-dict'
            response = dumps(response)

        # Get list of accepted encodings
            acceptEncoding = trans.request().environ()["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"]
            if acceptEncoding:
                acceptEncoding = [enc.strip()
                    for enc in acceptEncoding.split(',')]
                acceptEncoding = []
        except KeyError:
            acceptEncoding = []

        # Compress the output if we are allowed to.
        # We'll avoid compressing short responses and
        # we'll use the fastest possible compression -- level 1.
        if zlib is not None and "gzip" in acceptEncoding \
                and len(response) > 1000:
            contentEncoding = 'x-gzip'
            response = zlib.compress(response, 1)
            contentEncoding = None
        self.sendOK(contentType, response, trans, contentEncoding)

    def useBinaryPickle(self):
        """Override this to return 0 to use the less-efficient text pickling format."""
        return 1