import os, sys

    import MiscUtils
except ImportError:
    # When the Webware tarball unravels,
    # the components sit next to each other
    import MiscUtils
from MiscUtils.NamedValueAccess import NamedValueAccess

try: # for Python < 2.2
except NameError:
    class object: pass

class Object(object, NamedValueAccess):
    """Object is the root class for all classes in the WebKit.

    This is a placeholder for any future functionality that might be
    appropriate for all objects in the framework.


    def __init__(self):
        """Initializes the object. Subclasses should invoke super."""

    def deprecated(self, method):
        """Output a deprecation warning.

        The implementation of WebKit sometimes invokes this method which prints
        a warning that the method you are using has been deprecated.
        This method expects that deprecated methods say so at the beginning of
        their doc string and terminate that msg with @. For example:

            DEPRECATED: on 01/24/01 in ver 0.5. Use instead. @

        Putting this information in the doc string is important for accuracy
        in the generated docs.

        Example call:

        docString = method.__doc__
        if docString:
            msg = docString.split('@')[0]
            msg = '\n'.join(map(lambda s: s.strip(), msg.splitlines()))
            msg = 'DEPRECATED: %s (no doc string)' % method
        print msg
            from traceback import format_stack
            print format_stack(limit =3)[0]
        except Exception:
            print 'Could not determine calling function.'

    # 2000-05-21 ce: Sometimes used for debugging:
    # def __del__(self): print '>> del', self