from MiscUtils.Configurable import Configurable, NoDefault

class ConfigurableForServerSidePath(Configurable):

    This is a version of `MiscUtils.Configurable.Configurable`
    that provides a customized `setting` method for classes which
    have a `serverSidePath` method. If a setting's name ends with
    ``Filename`` or ``Dir``, its value is passed through
    `serverSidePath` before being returned.

    In other words, relative filenames and directory names are
    expanded with the location of the object, NOT the current

    Application and AppServer are two well known users of this
    mix-in. Any class that has a `serverSidePath` method and a
    `Configurable` base class, should inherit this class instead.

    This is used with for MakeAppWorkDir, which changes the

    def setting(self, name, default=NoDefault):
        Returns the setting, filtered by
        self.serverSidePath(), if the name ends with
        ``Filename`` or ``Dir``.

        value = Configurable.setting(self, name, default)
        if name[-8:] == 'Filename' or name[-3:] == 'Dir':
            value = self.serverSidePath(value)
        return value