- Method resolution order:
- XMLRPCServlet
- WebKit.RPCServlet.RPCServlet
- WebKit.HTTPServlet.HTTPServlet
- WebKit.Servlet.Servlet
- WebKit.Object.Object
- __builtin__.object
- MiscUtils.NamedValueAccess.NamedValueAccess
Methods defined here:
- respondToPost(self, transaction)
- This is similar to the xmlrpcserver.py example from the xmlrpc
library distribution, only it's been adapted to work within a
WebKit servlet.
Data and other attributes defined here:
- allow_none = True
Methods inherited from WebKit.RPCServlet.RPCServlet:
- awake(self, transaction)
- call(self, methodName, *args, **keywords)
- Call custom method.
Subclasses may override this class for custom handling of methods.
- exposedMethods(self)
- Get exposed methods.
Subclasses should return a list of methods that will be exposed
through XML-RPC.
- handleException(self, transaction)
- Handle exception.
If ReportRPCExceptionsInWebKit is set to True, then flush the response
(because we don't want the standard HTML traceback to be appended to
the response) and then handle the exception in the standard WebKit way.
This means logging it to the console, storing it in the error log,
sending error email, etc. depending on the settings.
- resultForException(self, e, trans)
- Get text for exception.
Given an unhandled exception, returns the string that should be
sent back in the RPC response as controlled by the
RPCExceptionReturn setting.
- sendOK(self, contentType, contents, trans, contentEncoding=None)
- Send a 200 OK response with the given contents.
- sleep(self, transaction)
- transaction(self)
Methods inherited from WebKit.HTTPServlet.HTTPServlet:
- __init__(self)
- lastModified(self, trans)
- Get time of last modification.
Return this object's Last-Modified time (as a float),
or None (meaning don't know or not applicable).
- notImplemented(self, trans)
- respond(self, trans)
- Respond to a request.
Invokes the appropriate respondToSomething() method depending on the
type of request (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, ...).
- respondToHead(self, trans)
- Respond to a HEAD request.
A correct but inefficient implementation.
Methods inherited from WebKit.Servlet.Servlet:
- canBeReused(self)
- Returns whether a single servlet instance can be reused.
The default is True, but subclasses con override to return False.
Keep in mind that performance may seriously be degraded if instances
can't be reused. Also, there's no known good reasons not to reuse
an instance. Remember the awake() and sleep() methods are invoked
for every transaction. But just in case, your servlet can refuse
to be reused.
- canBeThreaded(self)
- Return whether the servlet can be multithreaded.
This value should not change during the lifetime of the object.
The default implementation returns False.
Note: This is not currently used.
- close(self)
- log(self, message)
- Log a message.
This can be invoked to print messages concerning the servlet.
This is often used by self to relay important information back
to developers.
- name(self)
- Return the name which is simple the name of the class.
Subclasses should *not* override this method.
It is used for logging and debugging.
- open(self)
- runMethodForTransaction(self, trans, method, *args, **kw)
- runTransaction(self, trans)
- serverSidePath(self, path=None)
- Return the filesystem path of the page on the server.
- setFactory(self, factory)
Methods inherited from WebKit.Object.Object:
- deprecated(self, method)
- Output a deprecation warning.
The implementation of WebKit sometimes invokes this method which prints
a warning that the method you are using has been deprecated.
This method expects that deprecated methods say so at the beginning of
their doc string and terminate that msg with @. For example:
DEPRECATED: Class.foo() on 01/24/01 in ver 0.5. Use Class.bar() instead. @
Putting this information in the doc string is important for accuracy
in the generated docs.
Example call:
Data descriptors inherited from WebKit.Object.Object:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from MiscUtils.NamedValueAccess.NamedValueAccess:
- handleUnknownSetKey(self, key)
- hasValueForKey(self, key)
- Check whether key is available.
Returns true if the key is available, although that does not guarantee
that there will not be errors caused by retrieving the key.
- hasValueForName(self, keysString)
- Check whether name is available.
- resetKeyBindings(self)
- Rest all key bindings, releasing alreaedy referenced values.
- setValueForKey(self, key, value)
- Set value for a given key.
Suppose key is 'foo'.
This method sets the value with the following precedence:
1. Public attributes before private attributes
2. Methods before non-methods
More specifically, this method then uses one of the following:
@@ 2000-03-04 ce: fill in
... or invokes handleUnknownSetKey().
- valueForKey(self, key, default=<class MiscUtils.NoDefault>)
- Get value for given key.
Suppose key is 'foo'.
This method returns the value with the following precedence:
1. Methods before non-methods
2. Public attributes before private attributes
More specifically, this method then returns one of the following:
* self.foo()
* self._foo()
* self.foo
* self._foo
... or default, if it was specified,
otherwise invokes and returns result of valueForUnknownKey().
Note that valueForUnknownKey() normally returns an exception.
See valueForName() which is a more advanced version of this method
that allows multiple, qualified keys.
- valueForKeySequence(self, listOfKeys, default=None)
- Get the value for the given list of keys.
- valueForName(self, keysString, default=None)
- Get the value for the given keysString.
This is the more advanced version of valueForKey(), which can only
handle single names. This method can handle
'foo', 'foo1.foo2', 'a.b.c.d', etc.
It will traverse dictionaries if needed.
- valueForUnknownKey(self, key, default)
- valuesForNames(self, keys, default=None, defaults=None, forgive=0, includeNames=0)
- Get all values for given names.
Returns a list of values that match the given keys, each of which is
passed through valueForName() and so could be of the form 'a.b.c'.
keys and defaults are sequences.
default is any kind of object.
forgive and includeNames are flags.
If default is not None, then it is substituted when a key is not found.
Otherwise, if defaults is not None, then its corresponding/parallel
value for the current key is substituted when a key is not found.
Otherwise, if forgive is true, then unknown keys simply don't produce
any values.
Otherwise, if default and defaults are None, and forgive is false,
then the unknown keys will probably raise an exception through
self.valueForUnknownKey() although that method can always return
a final, default value.
if keys is None, then None is returned.
If keys is an empty list, then None is returned.
Often these last four arguments are specified by key.
names = ['origin.x', 'origin.y', 'size.width', 'size.height']
obj.valuesForNames(names, default=0.0)
obj.valuesForNames(names, defaults=[0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0])
obj.valuesForNames(names, forgive=0)
@@ 2000-03-04 ce: includeNames is only supported when forgive=1.
It should be supported for the other cases.
It should be documented.
It should be included in the test cases.