WebKit Testing

Test cases

1. /
Show /Examples/Welcome
2. /Admin/
Show admin pages
3. /Admin
Redirect to /Admin/
4. /Examples
Redirect to /Examples/
5. /Testing/Dir/File.html
Display the file
6. /Testing/Dir
Display the index file
7. /Welcome/
Error 404: Not Found
if ExtraPathInfo is not set
8. /BadURL
Error 404: Not Found
or if ExtraPathInfo is set, then
the Examples/Welcome page
displays extra path info.
9. /Testing/Servlet/
Error 404: Not Found
if ExtraPathInfo is not set,
otherwise the test servlet
displays extra path info.
10. /Testing/IncludeURLTest
IncludeURLTest test
11. /Testing/Dir/IncludeURLTest2
lower level IncludeURLTest test
12. /Testing/Forward1
13. /Testing/Forward2
14. /Testing/Dir/Forward3
15. /Testing/SetCookie
Test of HTTPResponse.setCookie
16. /Testing/TestIMS
TestIMS passed


  • Test all links in all pages of all contexts (Examples, Admin, Testing, etc.), including links found in the headers and footers of the pages.
  • Test functionality of interactive pages, like CountVisits and ListBox.
  • Test each link more than once.
  • Test with multiple adapters (WebKit.cgi, OneShot.cgi, etc.).