PSP Examples
<%-- This is a PSP comment. It won't show up in the HTML or even in the class that this file will generate --%>

<%@ page imports = "sys,os,time"%><%-- Here's the modules that I need in this file. --%>
<%@ page imports = "PSP.Examples.PSPExamplePage" %>
<%@ page method="writeContent" %>
<%@ page extends="PSP.Examples.PSPExamplePage"%>

<%@ page indentType="braces" %>

<%-- Method declaration Test --%>
<psp:method name="title" params="">
return "PSP Tests Page - Braces"

<h1 align="center" style="color:navy">Hello from PSP!</h1>

<%-- This image is served by WebKit --%>
<p align="center"><img src="psplogo.png" alt="Python Server Pages"></p>

<h4 align="center">This is the sample/test page<br>
for an implementation of<br>
<span style="color:navy">Python Server Pages</span>.</h4>

<p align="center"><span style="color:navy;background-color:yellow;padding:1pt 6pt">This version
of the test page uses <a href="Braces"><b>braces</b></a> as the indent type.</span></p>

<p align="center">Read the <a href="PSPDocs.psp"><strong>PSP documentation</strong></a>.
See the <a href="<%=os.path.basename(self.request().serverSidePath())%>"><strong>source for this page</strong></a>.</p>

<p>The text below comes from another psp page which was inserted into this one with the <tt>&lt;%@&nbsp;include&nbsp;%&gt;</tt> directive.</p>

<div style="color:red"><%@ include file="my_include.psp" %></div>

<p>There are actually two ways to insert the contents of another file into a PSP page:</p>

<p>If you use <tt>&lt;%@&nbsp;include&nbsp;file="somefile"&nbsp;%&gt;</tt>, it will effectively insert the contents of the other file before class creation time.</p>

<p>Using <tt>&lt;psp:include&nbsp;path="somefile"&gt;</tt> will insert the output of the specified WebKit URL into the page <em>dynamically</em>.</p>

<div style="color:red"><psp:insert file="APSPinclude.html"></div>

<p>Time at which dynamic output was generated:</p>
<psp:include path = "APSPinclude.psp">

<h4>Below is a loop test:</h4>

<p>Loops are the trickiest part of PSP due to Python indentation for blocks syntax.</p>

<p style="color:navy">The use of braces, while not good for normal Python, does make things easier here where we are dealing with HTML.</p>

<%-- I still use indentation to make it easier to read. It just doesn't get passed through to Python. --%>
<ul><% for i in range(2): { # loop #1, an automatic loop
self.write('<li>Outer loop: ')
self.write(i+1) %><ul>
<% for j in range(2): { %><%-- loop #2, another automatic loop --%>
<li>Inner loop: <%= j+1 %>
<%self.write('(still in the inner loop)</li>')
} # end loop #2
} # end loop #1


<h4>Unix system info:</h4>
<table bgcolor="gray"><%
if == 'posix': {
for info, value in zip(('OS name', 'Hostname',
'OS release', 'OS version', 'Hardware'), os.uname()): {
res.write('<tr><td>' + info + ':&nbsp;</th>'
'<td style="color:white">' + str(value) + '</td></tr>')
} else: {
res.write('<tr><td style="color:white">'
'This is not a Unix system.</td></tr>')


<tr><th align="left">Path Info:</th><td><%=req.pathInfo()%></td></tr>
<tr><th align="left">extraURLPath:</th><td><%=req.extraURLPath()%></td></tr>
<tr><th align="left">Fields:</th><td><%= req.fields() %></td></tr>
<tr><th align="left">servletURI:</th><td><%= req.servletURI()%></td></tr>
<tr><th align="left">uriWebKitRoot:&nbsp;</th><td><%= req.uriWebKitRoot() %></td></tr>
<tr><th align="left">serverURL:</th><td><%= req.serverURL() %></td></tr>
<tr><th align="left">serverURLDir:</th><td><%= req.serverURLDir() %></td></tr>


<h4>Request Variables:</h4>

<table><% for i in self.request()._environ.keys(): {
res.write('<tr valign="top"><td style="color:red;font-size:small">'
+str(i)+'&nbsp;</td><td style="color:blue;font-size:small">'
',', ',<wbr>').replace(';', ';<wbr>').replace(':/', ':<wbr>/')
+'</td></tr>') } %></table>



<p>PSP comments will not show up in the source of the page.</p>

<p>Nothing should be visible here.</p>

<%-- Comment check --%><%-- # This kind not even in Python file created. --%>
<!-- Comment Check -->


<h4>Testing a class method defined in the PSP code:</h4>

<%-- Method declaration test --%>
<psp:method name="testing" params="val">
self._response.write('<p>I\'m a method. <b style="color:maroon">%s</b></p>' % val)



<p><tt>pass</tt> can be used to end a block, so test that it can be used by itself too!</p>

<% pass %>

<%if 1: {%><b style="color:green">It's True</b><% }else: { %>It's false<% }%></p>


<p><b>That's all, folks.</b></p>

<p><%= time.ctime(time.time())%></p>