<%@ page imports = "sys,os,time,PSP.Examples.PSPExamplePage:PSPExamplePage"%><%-- Here's the modules that I need in this file. --%> <%@ page method="writeContent" %> <%-- This is the method of the base class that I want to override, writeHTML is the default --%> <%@ page extends="PSPExamplePage"%> <%--This is the base class for this page. Page is the default --%> <%@ page indentType="braces" %> <%-- <%@ page method="writeBody" %> --%>
<psp:method name="title" params=""> return "Braces Test" </psp:method>
<h4 align="center" style="color:navy">Python Server Pages</h4>
<h2 align="center">Braces Test</h2>
<p>Dave Wallace (dwallace@delanet.com) has written a module that will convert Python code that uses braces for indentation into properly whitespace indented python syntax. This is pretty nifty, and very useful for PSP.</p>
<p>The whitespace significance in Python syntax is difficult in PSP because HTML is the exact opposite. Whitespace doesn't matter, and neither do carriage-returns or anything else. So that makes the melding of Python and HTML a challenge.</p>
<p>So this is one solution.</p>
<p>Take out all of the whitespace significance, and just use <strong>braces</strong>.</p>
<p>This module allows you to use braces where you would normally be hitting <tt><return><tab></tt>. You can put the opening brace (<tt style="background-color:#f0f0f8">{</tt>) on the line befoe the block starts, or on the first line of the block. Same kind of deal for the closing brace (<tt style="background-color:#f0f0f8">}</tt>). You still need to have the colon (<tt style="background-color:#f0f0f8">:</tt>) on the line right before the block starts. That's just part of Python.</p>
<p>To enable this funtionality in PSP, you have to set braces as the indent type for your page. So you add this directive to your PSP page:<br>
<blockquote><tt style="background-color:#f0f0f8"><%@ page indentType="braces" %></tt></blockquote>
<p>This is a little test of the functionality:</p>
<ul><% for i in range(5): { %> <li>I'm number <%=i+1%></li> <% } %></ul>
<p>Click on "View source" over on the left to see the source for this page.</p>
<p>See also the <a href="PSPDocs.psp#Braces">PSP documentation on braces</a>.</p>