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- UserDict.UserDict(MiscUtils.NamedValueAccess.NamedValueAccess)
- Error
class Error(UserDict.UserDict) |
Universal error class.
An error is a dictionary-like object, containing a specific
user-readable error message and an object associated with it.
Since Error inherits UserDict, other informative values can be arbitrarily
attached to errors. For this reason, subclassing Error is rare.
err = Error(user, 'Invalid password.')
err['time'] = time.time()
err['attempts'] = attempts
The object and message can be accessed via methods:
print err.object()
print err.message()
When creating errors, you can pass None for both the object and the message.
You can also pass additional values, which are then included in the error:
>>> err = Error(None, 'Too bad.', timestamp=time.time())
>>> err.keys()
Or include the values as a dictionary, instead of keyword arguments:
>>> info = {'timestamp': time.time()}
>>> err = Error(None, 'Too bad.', info)
Or you could even do both if you needed to. |
- Method resolution order:
- Error
- UserDict.UserDict
- MiscUtils.NamedValueAccess.NamedValueAccess
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, object, message, valueDict={}, **valueArgs)
- Initialize the error.
Takes the object the error occurred for, and the user-readable
error message. The message should be self sufficient such that
if printed by itself, the user would understand it.
- __nonzero__(self)
- __repr__(self)
- __str__(self)
- message(self)
- object(self)
Methods inherited from UserDict.UserDict:
- __cmp__(self, dict)
- __contains__(self, key)
- __delitem__(self, key)
- __getitem__(self, key)
- __len__(self)
- __setitem__(self, key, item)
- clear(self)
- copy(self)
- get(self, key, failobj=None)
- hasValueForKey = _UserDict_hasValueForKey(self, key)
- has_key(self, key)
- items(self)
- iteritems(self)
- iterkeys(self)
- itervalues(self)
- keys(self)
- pop(self, key, *args)
- popitem(self)
- setdefault(self, key, failobj=None)
- update(*args, **kwargs)
- valueForKey = _UserDict_valueForKey(self, key, default=<class MiscUtils.NoDefault>)
- values(self)
Class methods inherited from UserDict.UserDict:
- fromkeys(cls, iterable, value=None) from __builtin__.classobj
Data and other attributes inherited from UserDict.UserDict:
- __hash__ = None
Methods inherited from MiscUtils.NamedValueAccess.NamedValueAccess:
- handleUnknownSetKey(self, key)
- hasValueForName(self, keysString)
- Check whether name is available.
- resetKeyBindings(self)
- Rest all key bindings, releasing alreaedy referenced values.
- setValueForKey(self, key, value)
- Set value for a given key.
Suppose key is 'foo'.
This method sets the value with the following precedence:
1. Public attributes before private attributes
2. Methods before non-methods
More specifically, this method then uses one of the following:
@@ 2000-03-04 ce: fill in
... or invokes handleUnknownSetKey().
- valueForKeySequence(self, listOfKeys, default=None)
- Get the value for the given list of keys.
- valueForName(self, keysString, default=None)
- Get the value for the given keysString.
This is the more advanced version of valueForKey(), which can only
handle single names. This method can handle
'foo', 'foo1.foo2', 'a.b.c.d', etc.
It will traverse dictionaries if needed.
- valueForUnknownKey(self, key, default)
- valuesForNames(self, keys, default=None, defaults=None, forgive=0, includeNames=0)
- Get all values for given names.
Returns a list of values that match the given keys, each of which is
passed through valueForName() and so could be of the form 'a.b.c'.
keys and defaults are sequences.
default is any kind of object.
forgive and includeNames are flags.
If default is not None, then it is substituted when a key is not found.
Otherwise, if defaults is not None, then its corresponding/parallel
value for the current key is substituted when a key is not found.
Otherwise, if forgive is true, then unknown keys simply don't produce
any values.
Otherwise, if default and defaults are None, and forgive is false,
then the unknown keys will probably raise an exception through
self.valueForUnknownKey() although that method can always return
a final, default value.
if keys is None, then None is returned.
If keys is an empty list, then None is returned.
Often these last four arguments are specified by key.
names = ['origin.x', 'origin.y', 'size.width', 'size.height']
obj.valuesForNames(names, default=0.0)
obj.valuesForNames(names, defaults=[0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0])
obj.valuesForNames(names, forgive=0)
@@ 2000-03-04 ce: includeNames is only supported when forgive=1.
It should be supported for the other cases.
It should be documented.
It should be included in the test cases.
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