from ExamplePage import ExamplePage

class Welcome(ExamplePage):

    def writeContent(self):
        wr = self.writeln
        wr('<h2>Welcome to WebKit %s!</h2>' % self.application().webKitVersionString())
        path = self.request().servletPath()
        <p> Along the side of this page you will see various links that will take you to:</p>
            <li>The different WebKit examples.</li>
            <li>The source code of the current example.</li>
            <li>Whatever contexts have been configured.
                Each context represents a distinct set of web pages,
                usually given a descriptive name.</li>
            <li>External sites, such as the Webware home page.</li>
        <p>The <a href="%(path)s/Admin/">Admin</a> context is particularly interesting because
        it takes you to the administrative pages for the WebKit application server where
        you can review logs, configuration, plug-ins, etc.</p>
        <p>The <a href="%(path)s/Docs/">Docs</a> contexts allow you to browse
        the documentation of <a href="%(path)s/WebKit/Docs/">WebKit</a>
        and <a href="%(path)s/Docs/ComponentIndex.html">all other components</a>
        of Webware for Python.</p>''' % locals())
        from os.path import join
        wr('<p>The location of the documentation on the server:</p>')
        wr('<li>WebKit: <tt>%s</tt></li>'
            % join(self.application().webKitPath(), 'Docs'))
        wr('<li>Webware for Python: <tt>%s</tt></li>'
            % join(self.application().webwarePath(), 'Docs'))
        req = self.request()
        extraURLPath = req.extraURLPath()
        if extraURLPath and extraURLPath != '/':
            <p><b>Note:</b> extraURLPath information was found on the URL,
            and a servlet was not found to process it.
            Processing has been delegated to this servlet.</p>''')
            wr('<li>serverSidePath: <tt>%s</tt></li>'
                % req.serverSidePath())
            wr('<li> extraURLPath: <tt>%s</tt></li>' % extraURLPath)